**The Song of the Living God: A Story Inspired by Psalm 135**
In the days of old, when the tribes of Israel gathered in the courts of the Lord’s house in Jerusalem, the people would lift their voices in praise to the Almighty. The Levites, clad in their sacred garments, would stand before the congregation, their voices rising like incense, proclaiming the greatness of the Lord. Among them was a young Levite named Eliab, whose heart burned with a deep love for the Lord. He often meditated on the psalms, and one day, as he read Psalm 135, he felt compelled to share its message with the people in the form of a story.
Eliab stood before the assembly, his voice steady and filled with reverence. “Hear, O Israel, and let me tell you of the wonders of our God, the God of Jacob, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Israel. Let me recount to you the deeds of the Lord, for He is good, and His name is to be praised!”
The people quieted, their hearts eager to hear. Eliab began:
“In the beginning, before the mountains were brought forth, before the earth was formed, the Lord was. He spoke, and the heavens were created. He breathed, and the stars were scattered across the vast expanse. The sun, the moon, and all the hosts of heaven obey His command. He is the Maker of all things, the One who holds the winds in His fists and the waters in the hollow of His hand. Who can fathom His greatness? Who can measure the depths of His wisdom?
“The Lord chose Israel for Himself, not because of our greatness, but because of His great love. He brought us out of Egypt, that land of bondage, with a mighty hand and an outstretched arm. Do you remember, O people, how He struck down Pharaoh and his armies? How He divided the Red Sea, making a path through the waters, so that we might walk on dry ground? The chariots and horses of Egypt were swallowed up, and the sea closed over them like a curtain. The Lord fought for us, and we were delivered.
“In the wilderness, He led us with a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night. He fed us with manna from heaven and brought water from the rock. He struck down mighty kings—Sihon of the Amorites and Og of Bashan—and gave their lands as an inheritance to His people. His deeds are mighty, and His wonders are without number.
“Yet, there are those who worship idols, gods made by human hands. They carve images of silver and gold, shaping them with tools, giving them mouths that cannot speak, eyes that cannot see, and ears that cannot hear. These idols are lifeless, powerless, and worthless. They cannot save, for they are not gods. But our God is alive! He is the God who sees, the God who hears, the God who acts. He is the God who rides on the clouds, whose voice thunders in the heavens. He is the God who sends rain upon the earth and makes the grass grow on the mountains. He is the God who provides for the cattle and satisfies the hunger of the young lions.
“The Lord is great, and His name is to be feared. He does whatever pleases Him, in the heavens and on the earth, in the seas and all their depths. He raises up kings and brings them low. He blesses the righteous and judges the wicked. His judgments are true and just, for He is the God of all creation.
“Therefore, let us praise the Lord! Let us lift our voices in worship, for He is good. Let us sing praises to His name, for it is pleasant and fitting. Let the house of Israel bless the Lord! Let the house of Aaron bless the Lord! Let all who fear the Lord bless His name! For the Lord has chosen Jacob for Himself, Israel as His treasured possession.
“O Zion, praise your God! For He dwells in your midst, and He is your shield and your defender. He will vindicate His people and have compassion on His servants. The idols of the nations are nothing, but our God reigns forever. His throne is established from eternity to eternity, and His kingdom knows no end.”
As Eliab finished speaking, the people were moved to worship. They lifted their hands and voices, praising the Lord with all their hearts. The Levites played their harps and lyres, and the sound of tambourines filled the air. The priests offered sacrifices, and the smoke of the offerings rose like a sweet aroma to heaven.
Eliab looked out over the assembly, his heart full of joy. He knew that the Lord was pleased with the praises of His people. For the Lord is good, and His love endures forever. His name is to be praised, now and forevermore.
And so, the people of Israel continued to sing the song of the living God, the God who had delivered them, the God who had chosen them, the God who reigns supreme over all the earth. They remembered His deeds, they trusted in His promises, and they walked in His ways. For He is the Lord, and there is no other.